Last weekend my mom and I took a very impromptu trip to Washington, DC. We had two goals: see the Heaven and Earth exhibit at the National Gallery of Art and attend Sunday morning service at the Washington National Cathedral. We had a great time, and even snuck in a show at Shakespeare Theatre Company!
The sermon was on Matthew 5:13-20 – “you are the salt of the earth.” It’s a verse that always confused me, but Dean Hall’s sermon cleared that up. As Christians, we are the flavor of the earth. We are valuable and hardy. It’s really worth it to watch the sermon – it starts at the 32 minute mark (just before that, you can actually see me in the bottom left corner as they process after the Gospel reading, super short blonde pony tail, haha). I cook with salt a lot (Kosher salt, no less), and I’ll think about it differently every time I use it!